Sometimes I got the question / remark too, well we live at a market and the market says that only the best, the fittest, best performers and other superlatives become winners and others are losers (by the way only at sports I believe this bullshit with max 60% (the removed factor of personal support is a main part too)). At first if I see that farts, violence and dirt are more appreciated at so called "social media" than many scientific approaches, many classical symphonies etc. I must laugh - but these people really believe their "ideology" like a religious club far away from reality as it was and is. But at the second item that only the best comes to top at least at classical music scene there is something true within - a beginner at piano never will bring people at concert hall to enthusiasm like a Horowitz etc... that indeed is true and there the perfect crime against arts and culture starts. Many contemporary classical composers have to deal with the fact that