Handwritten Notation, Audio CDs of

Piano Concert No. 1, Piano Concert No. 2
Violin Concert No. 2 and Part III Violin Concert No. 4


Mark Klatt, 2022

Besides my main occupation as computer scientist I've been composing classical music since 4 decades..
Over the time a lot of pieces have been written, from pieces for solo piano up to orchestral works...
As I'm playing piano / organ too I sometimes perform own composed pieces for chosen audience.
To listen e.g. samples of my larger orchestral works you need an user account
You can request login data in contacting me...
Here now a list of own (with notation) composed classical music pieces


6 Piano Concerts (Piano Concert 6 unfinished)
4 Violin Concerts (a 5th one started)
3 Symphonies (Symphony No.2 unfinished)
1 Opera introduction (title: Garden of Freedom)
1 Concert for Violoncello and Orchestra
1 Concert for Flute and Orchestra

5 Symphonic Poems:
- The Shadow, based on poem by author Wolfgang W. Ladewig
- Seasons of Love, based on the poem by author Wolfgang W. Ladewig
- Karl Pfeifer Variations for honorship of author Karl Pfeifer, base on Hatikvah and Hava Nagila melodies
- Rachmaninov Variations for piano and orchestra, base on melodies by Sergej Rachmaninov
- Amorelia for piano, mixed choire and orchestra based on a piano solo piece with the same title by this composer

A lot of Piano Solo pieces
Some recordings with Soprano and Piano


Orchestral Score Sample:

Public Notation *)

Encyclopedia samples & more ... :

List of Piano Concerts by Southern Illinois University Edwardsville / Dr. Allan Ho / 06.08.2024 

Encyclopedia Violin Concertante

Magazin der Österreichischen HochschülerInnenschaft 

Encyclopedia Vincent Magnan / France

Samples of the compositions at YouTube :

Orchestral- and Piano Solo Compositions Samples at YouTube

Videos with Samples here at this site: 

Sample: Concert for Violin and Orchestra No. 6

Sample: Symphonic Poem Rachmaninov Variations

Sample: Concert for Piano and Orchestra No. 5
(Soloist Piano Part : Mark Klatt)

Sample: Concert for Violin and Orchestra No. 4

Sample: Mystic Sonata for Piano Solo

Sample : Concert for Piano and Orchestra No. 6


*) Due to the criminal and extremely destructive (UNESCO is informed with criminal complaint) situation at arts and culture here I never will publish notations for FREE. An artwork deserves appreciation (as every different work at e.g. jobs) at least for the hard work over months and years within (years of education to at all be able to create something like above as e.g. study to play an instrument, study to compose complex notations, writing complex orchestral notations, writing the whole storyboard of an opera with scenery, music, acting etc.). Notations are ONLY available for premiere and performances at concert halls. If you as orchestra want to perform one of my e.g. orchestral compositions and/or chamber compositions please contact me directly (Link above) and I'm sure we will find a way together, that a performance will happen. For student / academic orchestras at certain circumstances and/or to study the ideas within the compositions the price for the notations could be as sample low (depends on your project and what you want to reach). Publication of videos of concerts is prohibited only with allowance of me as author / composer / copyright owner. If concerts are published at so called "social" media ONLY small excerpts are allowed (e.g. to see you as soloist etc.). The publication of a whole composition at e.g. YouTube, X, Instagram and Co. IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED due to their culture and arts exterminating and hate spreading  business model. For cultural exchange e.g. to support common understanding of different cultures at mankind the exchange of whole compositions at CLOSED / non public circles is allowed.


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