
Es werden Posts vom Mai, 2024 angezeigt.

Reactions by hardcore fans - New Sample Vid of Piano Concert No. 4

 After I finished my 3rd piano concert with sending notation to music publishers > 2 decades ago I got different reactions. Most said there is no chance for premiere at our current "cultural system" but there was a big enthusiasm at some academics about new ideas within this concert which motivated me to go a step further and to start composing the 4th one. When it came out the response was not really positive and I myself got the impression that such a style never would have any chance and I should not waste my free time (besides my work at companies to pay invoices) with further atonal compositions. My 5th piano concert (2006 at Vancouver Canada) therefore became tonal and I set the focus to be able to play it by myself as concert pianist (A long dream I had to play one of my orchestral works as part of the orchestra). Decades later (2022 ff) the direction of the wind changed. My classical music got a boost at popularity past years and some people got enthusiastic especi

Duty of Prosecutors...Обязанности прокуроров...检察官的职责...

According to international laws of United Nations every member who has signed the membership has to pursue crimes against it. The rules of artistic freedom are here --> Until today crimes against these laws are happening. Piano Concerts, Symphonies, Violin Concerts etc. have to deal with discrimination and extermination threat until today. Bring the perpetrators to court... and protect the freedom of arts and culture... Согласно подписанным законам Организации Объединенных Наций, каждый член, подписавший членство, должен преследовать ее за преступления против нее. Правила свободы творчества находятся здесь --> До сих пор преступления против этих законов происходят. Фортепианные концерты, симфонии, скрипичные концерты и т.д. до сих пор вынуждены иметь дело с дискримина

Concert for Flute and Orchestra (2018) Excerpt - Images drawn by Artificial Intelligence

Here an excerpt of my composed concert for flute and orchestra. You listen the first 3,5 minutes of this concert rehearsal.. The whole concert as all the other hard work in writing complex orchestral notation you can only hear at concert hall. If you want to support a premiere contact your local orchestras to perform this flute concert. Thanks in advance... Here the video with the first 3,5 minutes: