Audio CD Cover of my Piano Concert No. 1

During the cleaning of old Backup HDDs I found the cover of the 2011 at the market published Audio CD with my whole first composed piano concert as well as the 3rd part of my 4th composed violin concert (the concert has 4 parts) etc.

Pic 1: CD Cover of a 2011 published Audio CD

I had to produce this Audio CD completely by myself, from writing orchestral notations, paying expensive license fees for digital instruments, for the appropriate PC hardware (music production), for the CD printing company etc. All inclusive plus writing the orchestral notations more than 1 YEAR ! of HARD WORK. And do you know what the first was what came, instead of any support and positive feedback here? 

An additional invoice that I as OWNER, CREATOR and AUTHOR of these concerts have to pay fees to a german institution (I've never been member of this institution). They said that these are "market laws" here and that I get the money back with sold CDs. Never I got any Cent from them.

I think you as international listeners of my classical music should know the truth about the disgusting situation at arts and culture here if you get lies told about place of "thinker and poets", "human rights spirit here", "never again" etc. (the situation here unfortunately is much closer to book burning at Nazi Germany than to a peaceful place which supports creators with new ideas and hard work at contemporary classical music as well as supporting human rights at artistic freedom *)).

 Pic 2: If you compose an orchestral work and try to publish it - you have to pay to an institution here

Due to the toxic situation here I stopped investing my own money in further productions of new Audio CDs with my later piano and violin concerts - these compositions only can be heard, if situation changes completely or e.g. at a supportive environment, where a premiere at concert hall will happen.

*) Investigate when and where any premiere etc. of even smallest orchestral compositions have happened the past 4 decades until today.., investigate where the support of environment has been the past 4 decades until today.


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