Question and Answers .... III

 7.  Have you played all your piano solo pieces by yourself

Yes, before 2022 at my private piano and from 2022 on at a music centre at the city of Stuttgart...

Here e.g. a video to an invitation to the city of Heilbronn Sept 2022 with me playing one of my piano solo compositions on my private piano...

Here another one which is more than 10 years ago...

The only orchestral composition where I play the piano part is my 5th piano concert from 2006. There I'm the soloist... recorded has the concert been in 2011. Pics were from a stay (emigration probe) at the city of Vancouver autumn 2006 ...

8.  You tried emigration from Germany?

Yes, to try to protect my classical music against extermination threat (2006 ff. there was a public and non public extermination campaign against my existence as classical composer - my family and me had to deal with direct attacks and threats ( Extermination Sample *)) by environment ) - so called friends (after I came back I kicked them out of my life) recommended me Canada as ideal due to the alleged liberty and tolerance for new ideas. But what I experienced there was Western fraud and human rights violations at all edges. Without exaggeration it was the worst city I've visited at my whole life (I stayed at Russia during Perestroika too where Russia had to fight a very difficult situation - but there was more humanity everywhere than at this capitalist dirt place). Besides the inhuman situation there there is no place for high culture and arts at this city - the establishment there I met are not the elites of mankind - sorry. After hunt of a criminal group who tried to rub / worst case kill me I went immediately back from Canada and see no reason to visit this place at my life again. When I went back nobody at Europe believed me how the situation there was - due to the fraud of media here where never any single word had been written about the truth at Canada - all journalists here lied, the media lied, so called human rights people lied - the whole West is a fraud system where people suffer until dead at the streets especially where the butt culture capitalism rules. I thank for the new generation in their own personal interest to have a good future to disenchant these system crimes against humanity and spread them around the globe, here samples...

Here the truth, which had existed by the way already 2006 !!!!  I went to politicians at BC and complained that they cannot tolerate such a situation at a Western country - but these ........ believed in their market bullshit "the winner takes all" which is a crime against mankind... BC had a liberal government - the results you see here .... Apartments cost 1.000.000 $ and if you go downstairs people are dying in front of your suite... as it happened autumn 2006.

9. You stayed at Russia in 1990 - are you a Russian spy?

No, surely not, I only have had cultural exchange what is natural because countries at East Europe have the highest education level at classical music and therefore are more open for new classical music than here at the West at least at colleagues and my samples.

Russia / former Soviet Union e.g. is for me the leading culture at classical music in 20th century. Where Western Europe has one or few more main composers Russia ( former Soviet Union area ) has hundreds...

Samples: Rachmaninov, Shostakovich, Medtner, Rimsky-Korsakov, Scriabin, Borodin, Tschaikovsky, Strawinsky, Prokoviev, Kancheli (Georgia), Lepin (Latvia) and and and...

I studied long time classical music from East Europe and therefore visited Russia 1990 for study of culture there (visited grave of Rachmaninov etc.)

My music has a strong influence from Russian++ classical music as you see at the piano concerts etc...

Honestly said without classical music from East (Poland with Szymanowski, Hungary with Bartok have a main role too)  I wouldn't had been motivated to become myself classical composer - here 2 samples of a honor composition by me to the genius Sergej Rachmaninov..

and here composed transpositions by me of a Rachmaninov theme which are part of my Rachmaninov variations...


*) Culture and arts discrimination and extermination is according to rules by United Nations a crime against mankind as culture and arts has no borders and a worth for mankind from common understanding etc.. All countries which have signed these rules could bring punishment to the perpetrators by prosecutors. A perpetrator from Germany e.g. who still hasn't dealt with prosecutors here yet could be brought to court at other countries she/he visits. The german employer which is protecting the perpetrator could lose international business partners, customers, investors or itself could be brought to court if she/he does holidays at other countries or has assets there.

Such things have to be stopped one and forever....  -->

further samples at court...



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Question and Answers .... II

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