Dark days for the future of LINUX.....

Image created by deepai.org

Since many years I've been working with LINUX Distributions at many PCs with different Hardware and recommended it friends, colleagues as well as customers - without exaggeration I think several thousands people tried Linux due to my excessive marketing in even wearing clothes with Linux emblem at live concerts etc.. I've developed many Apps for Linux as e.g. Alisah for Linux, Backup XX, a Virus Scanner, a Sports App etc.... The Apps ( Video Channel ) had been developed with Java and C/C++. Never, I would have thought that the day would come to think about giving up LINUX world and go back to Microsoft completely.

October 2024 now is the point where my enthusiasm about LINUX is on ZERO point due to lack of quality of their Distributions and the behavior of some supporters which impute and offend their customers (!!) that they should have a lack of technical understanding their "great bullshit".

With great bullshit I mean Distributions which don't work after OS updates anymore. You do update your perfect running system and then your PC is garbage. No Boot, no possibility for restoring to a working OS, only new installation and then after new installation and restoring your data (no drivers !) after new Updates and "Patches" (!!) OS again broken. Equal what you do the Linux is not working anymore as happen these days with UBUNTU 24.04 LTS !



And as many distributions working with Ubuntu all of them not longer working properly anymore as tested with Linux Mint, KDE Neon etc.

OK after hours in trying several things I gave up the Ubuntu world and tried the competitors Debian and Arch. BOTH are NOT WORKING properly too at latest Hardware.

All of them have problems - ALL. Many are not able to show second Monitor (MX Linux, Debian) properly equal which GUI you use, XFCE, Cinnamon, Plasma and many further problems with e.g. Java installations, USB drivers, printer drivers is an absolute nightmare.

My friends, colleagues and me often too are users which want an OS where you as user should be able to got to Web, read E-Mails, write some documents and print them, send e-emails, do some design things etc. not more and less.

NO Linux Distribution I've tested these days is able to work without problems - endless crafting at all of the tested ones.

I think on this way Linux will have no future. Come together and instead of bringing out thousands of distributions where none is really excellent concentrate on few and there look that they are working elsewhere there is no future for Linux desktops besides Nerds and the usual eternal Microsoft haters anymore.

Ubuntu based Distributions still were (!) the best Linux which handled most hardware and driver issues - with 24.04 LTS this spirit is gone and with it the future of Linux for broad amount of typical users.


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