Question and Answers .... IV ... The perfect crime

Sometimes I got the question / remark too, well we live at a market and the market says that only the best, the fittest, best performers and other superlatives become winners and others are losers (by the way only at sports I believe this bullshit with max 60% (the removed factor of personal support is a main part too)). At first if I see that farts, violence and dirt are more appreciated at so called "social media" than many scientific approaches, many classical symphonies etc. I must laugh - but these people really believe their "ideology" like a religious club far away from reality as it was and is. But at the second item that only the best comes to top at least at classical music scene there is something true within - a beginner at piano never will bring people at concert hall to enthusiasm like a Horowitz etc... that indeed is true and there the perfect crime against arts and culture starts.

Many contemporary classical composers have to deal with the fact that they get no appreciation at this culture and therefore no support. Worse some have to deal with attacks and disadvantages at job life too (I will go public with facts which will withstand at every court where neutrality and justice rules one day). Without support who pays your invoices? Without support from what can you life? Without support when and where you have the time to train your instrument endless hours a day to go to concert player level? To pay your invoices and don't live as beggar at the street you have to do a job to earn money and this job usually at my case has 50-60h per week ! Besides such a job there is no time for piano playing ZERO ! 

What you hear at my case is still my level I had as teenager playing / training after school day for day many hours at piano. Many thanks for my teacher Rita Schmidt from Constance who believed that I have the potential to become a well known classical composer. My teacher believed in my skills the mainstream environment NOT.

Now we come to the second part of the perfect crime - besides the lack of quality in performance the money part. Without a lot of money you cannot pay a Steinway piano with wonderful sound, you work with cheap, untuned bad sounding lower average instruments or as at my case at first job / own paid apartment with no piano for several years. The low quality instruments are a further attack point for the one or other system artist to justify that they "deserve" to be on "top" and others are at "bottom". I know e.g. teenagers at classical music establishment who got with 18th birthday a millions of worthy violin as gift. At such a supportive environment could it be possible to easier reach the sky? - whereby at mainstream environment you see nothing else than crimes against laws of artistic freedom by United Nations.

Another evidence for the lack of support of establishment you see at e.g. how often they perform Bach and how often they try new ideas :-) I would say if I add churches etc. 10.000 times Bach / year at Germany and new ideas limes x -> zero times and x starts max at 10 / year.

Due to the criminal situation here I know many composers with for me unbelievable talent who gave up composing, they have families, some have children, all have to do jobs which have nothing to do with classical music and on this way besides the discrimination, hate and personal attacks THIS SYSTEM EXTERMINATES ARTS & CULTURE!

Others as me too tried to flee to other countries in the hope to find a "better" place at my case USA, Canada (lived there), Switzerland (lived there), Netherlands (stayed there), Australia, Israel etc... nowhere was a place for my contemporary classical music - everywhere the same butt culture system at some places more at others less.

Pic: Sample of a colleague who had to deal with the same discrimination 

All colleagues I know have fear, they have fear (to lose job, to get hate attacks etc.) to tell mankind the truth about situation here, they accept their fate never to be heard as composers, they accept their fate to see their artworks exterminated. I will not accept these crimes. I will tell my music listeners which companies and institutions here internationally sell as culture and arts lovers and behind the facade do exact the opposite -> discrimination and devaluation of the creators. Some evidence samples I put on servers around the globe - as classical music lover open for new ideas / styles I think you will not believe what you see there as recorded evidence in form of documents, videos, screenshots, rejections plus discrimination by companies etc.

Now a direct word to you as e.g. listener of my classical music. Forget all what I've written above and at this Blog, forget what the mainstream system artists tell and say to you why the things in their eyes are as they (at some system artists for their personal advantage to keep competitors at bottom? ) are - words could be manipulation, framing, subjective etc. go only to this one fact and tell me who there the evil is:

"The one who studied composition years of his life from childhood on, who works over nights, days, weeks, months to write a orchestral notations which can be performed immediately by orchestra if the wish is there - one phone call and it starts.


"The one(s) who has(ve) the power to rule over others, who rejects to perform the notations, the one which even put slander and dirt on the compositions without having a single line of the notations read and the one which finally tries to silence the critics and facts as have happened with framing, lies, personal threats and censorship?".

Pic: Deletion sample of all classical music videos at so called "social media" platform



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